„Angels are near!”

“Stand Firm! Angels are near!” is what SERGIU GEORGIAN MAZERSCHI, the one behind this message, calls all his soul projects. All these projects, aassociated with this slogan, have a common denominator: GEORGIAN's passion for drawing. Anytime. Anywhere. Anything. On any type of surface: from hundreds of square meters to small objects that he decorates, bicycles, skateboards or snowboards, stretched canvas or simple sheet of paper, reaching the design of t-shirts and to his passion for stickers.
Here, on this page, you can find things that GEORGIAN works on, with passion, constantly supporting his concept of life: STAND FIRM! ... that is, do what you feel you have to do, give enough time to the projects you work on, listen to people and help them when you can ... and all this with the peace of mind of a man who knows that the angels watch over him (it is said that if you have doubts in your powers and ask for the help of an angel, he will signal his presence by the appearance of a white feather - a feather found in the STAND FIRM design).
The book with stickers, t-shirts, posters, stickers and who knows what else - all are projects made by GEORGIAN, from concept to production phase - when its partners have the role to complete, at a high level of quality, what the artist wants to be a valuable product that will delight you, the one who appreciates the message and the way of expressing the STAND FIRM brand. ANGELS ARE NEAR!